Apple Tree

From Minetest
(Redirected from Tree)

A block in Minetest Game
Block Type Solid block
Drops Itself
Physics No
Luminance No
Flammable Yes
Generated Yes
Renewable Yes
Stackable Yes (99)
Itemstring default:tree

"Apple Tree" is the name of the block representing the trunk of apple trees. They can be found in deciduous forests and appear as the trunk of a full-grown apple tree together with apple tree leaves and sometimes Apples. Found on the ground as a “fallen log“, sometimes with a Brown Mushroom on it. Apple trees do not naturally occur in the map generator v6.

The blocks can be mined with axes or by hand, efficiency depending on the axe material. If the trunk is mined any leaves that are not supported are "blown away" (disappear). They can be crafted into Apple Wood Planks. The blocks and leaves can be used as fuel in a furnace.


The apple tree block is grown from apple tree saplings that may be dropped when cutting leaves.

As a Crafting Ingredient

Name Ingredients Input → Output Description
Apple Wood Planks Apple Tree
Wooden Planks.png
One of the most basic building materials, can be crafted into many things.

See also