Wiki Backup

From Minetest

How-To Backup Wiki

To back-up this wiki involves these steps. Note: This procedure includes a full MariaDB backup.

First, log-in as "root" or do "sudo bash". Then run a script similar to the following.

Replace /backupdir with a full path for a non-existent backup directory. Make sure that there is at least two GB of disk space free in the associated filesystem. Set DATE6D to a 6-digit date.

set -e
# Don't use "mkdir -p" here.
mkdir /backupdir  || exit 1
cd    /backupdir/ || exit 1
mysqldump mediawiki    > mariadb-mediawiki-$DATE6D.sql
mysqldump olddevwiki  > mariadb-olddevwiki-$DATE6D.sql
mysqldump --system=users   > mariadb-users-$DATE6D.sql
gzip -9 *.sql
# The "*" in the next two lines is/are required.
tar zcf   mtwiki-tree-$DATE6D.tgz /var/www/*
tar zcf mtolddev-tree-$DATE6D.tgz /var/www/*
tardate *.tgz
ls -l


  • The "/*" in the "tar" command above is needed because the directory that is being backed up may be a syslink. The "/*" will cause top-level dot-files to be skipped but as of Fall 2023 there weren't any.
  • "tardate" is an OldCoder utility. If it isn't installed on the current system, the "tardate" command used here is optional.