Site Notices

From Minetest


This page provides, or links to, website notices, including but not limited to contact information and privacy policy.

Privacy Policy 

This site uses stand­ard httpd logs as well as JavaScript code to collect in­for­ma­tion of most of the types that a web browser typically provides.

Site administrators may pub­lic­ly disclose and/or reuse in­for­ma­tion collected in any manner that the administrators deem to be ap­pro­priate.

In particular:

The right to analyze, blog, post, quote, dis­cuss, or otherwise dis­tri­bute or make use of in­for­ma­tion collected or actions or documents or in­for­mtion of any type that is deemed ap­pro­priate to use is reserved and may be exercised to the extent pos­si­ble with­out further notice at any point in the future.

COPPA Notice 

COPPA, a U.S. law that limits the use of in­for­ma­tion related to children be­low the age of 13 years in commercial or simi­lar contexts, is believed not apply to this site.

Contact information 

For contact information related to Final Minetest and/or this site, click here.