MWSkin Timeless Patches

From Minetest
Revision as of 21:03, 3 September 2023 by Poetry (talk | contribs)


For the Final Minetest wiki, and for MediaWiki wikis in general, the Timeless skin is recommended because as of mid-2023 it's more responsive than other bundled skins.

However, some patches to the Timeless skin are recommended. The patches are provided and discussed in the following sections.

The following sections aren't Linux "patch" files. Instead, they're condensed patches that are intended for human readers. The associated edits need to be made manually.

To browse or download a single Linux patch file that contains comparable patches, use the following link:

Timeless Real-Estate patch

This patch prevents, except for very wide screens, the creation of an unnecessary 3rd column on the right.

 --- Timeless.old/skin.json
 +++ Timeless/skin.json
 - "media": "screen and (min-width: 1340px)"
 + "media": "screen and (min-width: 1800px)"
 - "media": "screen and (min-width: 1100px) and (max-width: 1339px)"
 + "media": "screen and (min-width: 1100px) and (max-width: 1799px)"
 --- Timeless.old/resources/variables.less
 +++ Timeless/resources/variables.less
 -@desktop-mid-width: 1339px;
 -@desktop-large-floor: 1340px;
 +@desktop-mid-width: 1799px;
 +@desktop-large-floor: 1800px;

Timeless Alt-Tag patch

This patch adds support for an optional "alt" tag that can be added to a Timeless wordmark image.

 --- Timeless.old/includes/TimelessTemplate.php
 +++ Timeless/includes/TimelessTemplate.php
     if ( !$wordmarkImage && isset( $logos['wordmark'] ) ) {
         $wordmarkData = $logos['wordmark'];
         $wordmarkImage = Html::element( 'img', [
             'src' => $wordmarkData['src'],
             'height' => $wordmarkData['height'] ?? null,
             'width' => $wordmarkData['width'] ?? null,
 +           'alt'   => $wordmarkData['alt'] ?? null,
         ] );

To use the added feature, you'd put something similar to the 'wordmark' part below in your "LocalSettings.php" "$wgLogos" block:

$wgLogos = [
    '1x'       => "fmwikismall.png" ,
    'icon'     => "fmwikismall.png" ,
    'wordmark' => [
        # recommended size is 200x38 or less
        'src' => 'fmwordmark-text.png' ,
        'alt' => 'Final Minetest wordmark' ,
    ] ,