Mods/Not So Simple Mobs/Pumpking

From Minetest
Nssm pumpking.png
A mob in Not So Simple Mobs
Health 110 Heart.png
Armor Armor.pngArmor.pngArmor.pngArmor.pngArmor.png
Damage Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHalf heart.png
Drops Life Energy

Cursed Pumpkin Seed

Entitystring nssm:pumpking

Nssm pumpking egg.png In creative mode you can spawn Pumpking with pumpking egg

A Pumpking is a hostile mob king of the pumbooms it is tall creepy creature with a humanlike black thin bodies covered with the blood of their victims, their head is very similar to a Pumpboom and their body to Signosigno. On their death they have a little explosive surprise for the unlucky warrior able enough to defeat them...
