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Tips - Tech


This chapter treats technic, pipeworks, mesecons and digilines as one big mod.

The only important difference is that some machines require power.

Power comes in 3 tiers: LV, MV, HV - low-, medium-, high-voltage.

Others only need signals (as in, ON&OFF-information), and
digilines can transmit/process more general data.

Digtrons can use electric power, but mostly use fuel (as in, coal or oil).


Simple machines

Simple, as in "don't require power".

  • Chests (as well as other nodes with an inventory - eg. a furnace)
technic provides iron- copper- silver- gold- and mithril-chests
  • Autocrafter - automatically produce items according to a recipe
this makes many often-needed recipes much less tedious
  • Nodebreaker - dig the node in front
useful eg. for automated harvesting of trees
  • Deployer / Dispenser - put/shoot an item
eg. for replanting saplings
  • Detectors - node-detector, player-detector, button, pressure plate
eg. pressure plate can open&close nearby doors
or node-detector triggering a nodebreaker when a sapling has grown into a tree
  • Injectors - get item/s from a chest/machine and put it into a tube or another chest or machine
eg. for moving stuff between autocrafters and chests
  • Tubes - can transport items. They come in many variants, the most useful are
    • vacuuming tube - collect loose stuff, eg. wood&leaves or harvested fruits&seeds
    • sorting tube - route incoming stuff in different directions, depending on type
    • teleporting tube - expensive, moves stuff directly to another teleport-tube
  • Pipes - like tubes, but for fluids
also: pumps, valves, spigots
  • Mesecons - logic gates, and Lua-controller
  • lightstones - in several colors, can be switched on&off
  • piston & sticky piston + push & pull an item
  • noteblock - makes a sound


Electric machines

The tiers:

  • LV - cheap, support no automation, no upgrades
  • MV - less cheap, support upgrades and automation via pipeworks and mesecons
  • HV - as MV, but more expensive, faster, more powerful

Eg. an LV-cable is made from 3 copper + 6 paper,
an MV-cable is made from 3 LV-cables + 6 rubber,
an HV-cable is made from 3 MV-cables + 6 plastic.

There are several categories of machines:

  • generators (water-powered, solar, geothermal, nuclear)
  • switches & storage - eg. battery-boxes
  • consumers - machines doing some 'useful' work
  • mobile & battery-powered - can be recharged at any battery-box of LV, MV or HV.



Digtrons are modular, configurable machines for digging and building.

All digtron-parts use a digtron-core in their recipe.

Eg. a digtron-inventory-module consists of a chest and a digtron-core.
needs 4 iron, 1 mese-shard

The main uses for a digtron are

  • mining: making tunnels & shafts while digging for ores
  • farming: digging&placing plants, aka harvesting&seeding - crops as well as trees
  • leveling/bulldozing terrain
  • building roads, bridges, houses etc.



Quite useful is a digtron-crate plus one or more digtron-inventory-modules,
providing movable chests (much like a MC-skulker-box).

Place a digtron-crate next to some other digtron-parts (eg. a digtron-chest), and activate it.
The crate will pack in all the digtron-modules it has contact to, and then can be picked up like a chest.

Also carry a stackwise-injector and some vacuuming-tubes with this, for quick loading/unloading.

Small, simple tunnel-digger

  • 2 digger-heads (on top of each other, face their 'rotating' sides to the front) - to dig a tunnel of size 2x1
needs 1 digtron-core, 4 diamonds (per head)
  • 1 combined storage - for fuel and the gathered stone, ore etc.
needs 1 digtron-core, 1 chest, 1 furnace
  • 1 control-module - to make it move
needs to be facing in the direction the digtron should move
needs 1 digtron-core, 4 or 8 mese (normal/automatic controller)

Optional, but very much advised:

  • 1 builder-head - for automatically placing torches or glowglass every few spaces
the side with the cross must be pointing to a free spot in the direction where the item is to be placed
needs 1 digtron-core, 4 mese-shards
  • 1 rotation-axle - for changing the direction of the digtron
needs 1 digtron-core, 8 coal
  • 1 digtron-crate - to pack the digtron in, and carry it around.
needs 1 digtron-core, 1 chest, 1 mese, 1 iron

For operation, it needs some fuel in the storage-module, eg. coal or oil-extract.
The material/s for the builder-head/s (eg. torches) also need to be in there.

A screwdriver is also useful, to rotate digger- and builder-heads while building the digtron.

needs a 1 stick, 1 iron

This 'simple' model lacks 2 features:

  • protection against sand or cobble from above
  • same for the floor, eg. when digging into a cave
this would require at least 2 more digger- and builder-heads.


For cutting wood or plants, soft-diggerheads can be used. They are cheaper - needing 1 digtron-core, 4 steel (instead of diamonds).

A digtron moving on top of farming soil will randomly damage some soil, so it is better to have it hanging above the field.
So, it is common to build a roof of (glow-)glass over the field, from which the digtron hangs.



For starters:

  • getting wood
lowtech: axe
tech: chainsaw & power-supply, chests & vac.tubes
  • finding and digging ore
lowtech: pickaxe
tech: drill, mining-laser, digtron, quarry & power-supply
  • making ingots from ore
lowtech: furnace & fuel
tech: grinder, then electric furnace & power-supply
The grinder makes dust from ore, and doubles the yield
It can also make more flour from grain then mortar&pestle.
  • crafting
lowtech: in the crafting-grid, by hand
tech: autocraftes, tubes, injectors, mesecons-logic
  • storing stuff
lowtech: chests, backpacks
tech: sorting-tubes & technic-chests
  • repairing worn tools
notech: craft new tools
lowtech: anvil & hammer
tech: MV-toolworkshop & power-supply

As can be seen, most of the 'better' solutions to these tasks require some power-supply.

We have to start with LV, then build up to MV, then HV
because each MV-part consists of some LV-part plus extras.


Before we get to the technic parts, we need some basics, see previous tips.

To recap:

  • sticks and wood, stones - for tools, chests, furnace
  • coal - to make torches, fuel for the furnace. See also leaves&oil-extract.
  • iron - for locked chests, iron tools, bucket
  • a place for building a home/base/lab - protect that area !
  • food, water - mods hunger and diet are active

Also useful (but not essential):

  • backpacks - more inventory-space to carry around
  • canteen (waterbottle - mod thirsty is active !)
  • circular saw - for cutting wood, stone into different shapes
  • glass - for windows etc.



Technic has a water-powered grinder, that can be used on grain and ore.
This would be useful to get started from scratch.

  • Water-turbine - this one only generates mechanical power, no electricity.
needs 4 sticks, 1 iron
  • Water on 4 sides (N,E,S,W) of the turbine
needs a bucket for placing
needs 3 iron
  • The water-powered grinder
needs 5 granite, 2 iron, 2 brick-blocks
need 4 clay-bricks each
needs clay - can often be found in shallow water off the coast


  • wood: 1
  • iron: 1+3+2 = 6
  • granite: 5
  • clay: 8

This grinder gets you double yield from ore, and 4x yield from grain (compared to mortar&pestle).

This grinder also works on all types of grain.


We need at least:

  • LV-cables (to connect all those parts, eg. 6+)
needs copper and paper
needs papyrus, or cotton, or bamboo, or hemp
  • Hydro-generator (4 of them would be nice)
needs 1 wood, 1 diamond, 4 marble, 1 LV-cable, 1 machine-casing
needs 8 cast-iron, 1 brass
needs copper, zinc
need alloy-furnace - made from 8 brick-blocks
need 4 clay-bricks each
needs clay
  • Switching-station
needs 2 copper, 3 LV-cable, 1 machine-casing, 1 LV-transformer
needs 5 iron,
2 fiber,
needs glue, made from saplings
2 copper-coil
needs 4 iron, 4 fine-copper-wire, made from copper
  • LV-Battery-Box (or more)
needs 3 wood, 1 LV-cable, 1 machine-casing, 4 RE-batteries
needs 6 wood, 2 copper, 1 tin, per battery
  • LV-Grinder
needs 4 desert-stone, 2 granite, 1 LV-cable, 1 machine-casing
  • LV-Furnace
needs 7 stone, 1 LV-cable, 1 machine-casing
  • also: bucket for placing water
needs iron


  • wood
  • iron
  • copper
  • tin
  • diamond
  • clay
  • stone
  • desert-stone
  • granite
  • papyrus (or bamboo, cotton, hemp)

Other machines, less urgent:

  • LV-Alloy-furnace (we can make do with the lowtech alloy-furnace
  • LV-sawmill - makes 8 planks from each wood (as compared to 4 when done by hand)
  • LV-Extractor - extract dye from flowers, grass, cactus, bones
  • LV-CNC-machine - can cut materials into different forms (similar to circular-saw) - mainly for deco
  • LV-Compressor - make sandstone from sand ...
can also make diamonds from coal (in a multi-step process)

We will need many more of some of these parts, so some autocrafters would be useful.

needs 5 iron, 2 mese, 2 plastic
to make plastic: leaves --> oil-extract --> paraffin --> plastic

Oil-extract is also a good fuel ( so, save the coal for making torches and diamonds :)


The most important MV-machine is the MV-toolworkshop, for repairing tools.
One way to get just this working is to use a supply-converter, that converts LV to MV (can also convert between MV and HV).
Otherwise, we would also need some MV-generator(s).

needs ...

We need:

  • some MV-cables,
needs LV-cables, and 6 rubber per cable
needs raw-latex, from a rubbertree
needs a tap
needs 1 wood, 3 sticks, 1 pneumatic-tube - made from plastic
  • a supply-converter,
needs 1 LV-cable, 1 MV-cable,
1 LV-transformator, 1 MV-transformator,
2 rubber, 1 machine-casing, 1 fine-gold-wire, 1 doped-silicon-wafer,
needs silicn-wafer, gold
needs sand, coal-dust
  • another switching-station
same part as for LV
  • a MV-Battery-Box
needs 1 MV-cable, 1 MV-transformator, 5 LV-Battery-Boxes
  • and the MV-toolworkshop.
needs 1 MV-cable, 2 obsidian, 2 wood, 1 diamond, 1 machine-casing, 1 carbon-cloth,
needs graphite, made from compressed coal-dust
1 sticky piston
needs 3 wood, 4 stone, 1 iron, 1 mesecon, glue - made from saplings

Other MV-machines:

  • MV-grinder, MV-furnace etc. work just like the LV-models, but faster
  • Thresher - for processing harvested plants, eg. grain, melons, pumpkin etc.
  • Freezer - make ice from water, obsidian from lava
  • Centrifuge - for processing uranium into uranium-fuel.



The most impressive (and dangerous) machine is the nuclear reactor.
It produces a lot of power.

Other HV-machines:

  • HV-Quarry
  • Forcefield-generator


