
From Minetest
Revision as of 05:54, 10 December 2021 by >Hajo (→‎Tips - Basics: thristy)

Tips - Basics

  • Use the commands /sethome and /home
  • the unified inventory provides a 2nd home-position
  • players get some money each day they dig or build some blocks
  • With the mod 'thristy', you need to watch your hydration-bar, and refill it frequently
  • note the locations of water, and drinking fountains
  • Carry a canteen, keep it filled with water
to refill it, click with it on any block of water
  • Collect & carry some food, to help restore health.
    • carry 3-4 different kinds of food (eg. bread, pine-nuts, apples or bananas, raspberries or blueberries)
when eating, cycle thru these different kinds of food
apples and bananas just grow on trees, no need for farming
  • Get wood, make tools (wooden pickaxe, wooden axe)
    • with wooden tools get some (cobble-)stones, then make stone tools (more durable)
  • Make a furnace from stone, for cooking food and smelting ore
    • Leaves and grass can be used as fuel for the furnace
Also, make some charcoal from wood, for torches
  • Get some torches (craft from sticks and coal, or charcoal), so you can go mining underground
    • the shops at spawn also sell torches
  • Get backpacks to extend your inventory
there are different recipes, check them !
  • Get & wear some armor
shops at spawn sell bronze armor & shields
  • be nice, re-plant trees
  • Grass & Leaves are a great resource:
    • place & dig to get seeds/saplings (random chance)
    • craft leaves --> twigs --> sticks --> planks --> wooden tools, small backpack, chest, etc.
    • also: leaves --> oil-extract --> parafin --> plastic --> pipes
    • cheap fuel
  • Explore, collect stuff, and look out for a good place to build a home
also, watch where protected areas are, and who owns them

With the area-mod, you can use the following commands to protect an area:

  • /area_info
  • /area_pos1
  • /area_pos2
  • /protect
  • /list-areas

Also, markers are helpful - use 2 or 4 to mark and size up an area. ...

To protect your stuff, check the recipes on how to make locked chests.